God penciled me into His-story in 1957 so yes I am or am getting to be an ‘old’ guy, (everything hurts does that qualify?).
Faith began for me at age 18, profoundly lost and knowing nothing of Christ or Christianity, I picked up the Book of Revelation and took my first steps through Jesus’ narrow gate and onto His difficult way which leads to life (reference Matthew 7:13-14).
I soldiered in the US Army stationed in West Germany from 18 to 21, marrying my wonderful wife Petra at age 19. I brought her back to my home of origin in Northern California where we discovered that wonderful thing called Church and the general fellowship of those who follow Jesus.
We raised seven adult children and at last count 11 grandchildren. These first 45+ years of following Jesus have been my adventure in Christ, some of it awesome and most of it that average every day experience of walking in faith.
I get off track at times but from day one I knew that I had a new best friend Jesus Who has led me through my life, fatherhood, career, various ministries, and now a new means of sharing what I have found to be of value with you through this website.
Gordon P. Magee